In the 1990’s, Jim Watson started the building of these fine spinning wheels after researching and exploring the history of the different wheel designs. His designs offer a blend of different styles and result in high-performance standards while retaining the traditional appearance.
Jim passed the production of these wheels and accessories on to his son Andrew in 2005. Due to Andrew’s untimely death in 2017, Jim went looking for someone to carry on the business. Jim and I got to meet through our wives’ quilting group and Christmas parties.
I am a retired engineering technologist. Designing, drafting and inspecting various structures proved to be an interesting and rewarding career. As an avid part-time woodworker and renovator, crafting these fine spinning wheels and accessories is a natural fit.
My workshop is located in the beautiful Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, in Canada. Local forests give me access to the native Maple, Arbutus and Garry Oak hardwoods. I am looking forward to continuing on with the fine craftsmanship of Jim and Andrew, and providing for the requirements of the individual clients.
~ Wally Slobodan